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Subject lines you may use:
[FIRSTNAME], New Course - Webinar Authority
[FIRSTNAME], Brand new guide for you!
[FIRSTNAME], Not sure where to start?
[FIRSTNAME], Get instant access to my latest product!
[FIRSTNAME], Grab your latest guide!
EMAIL #1 (Long copy)
EMAIL #2 (Short copy)
Social Media Swipes
Facebook & Google Plus Posts
Post 1:
Headline: The Best Guide for Webinars Ever Written.
Text: This is easily the best guide for hosting a webinar with step-by-step instructions that will make you a better presenter.
Post 2:
Headline: Webinar Authority Released!
Text: If you have ever wanted to make money from webinars, this book should be your gift to yourself. It contains everything you need to know about conducting a webinar.
Post 3:
Headline: The Secrets to Webinar Success
Text: These 12 chapters are jam-packed with all of the secrets to hosting the perfect webinar to promote your business or just make more money.
Post 4:
Headline: You can’t be Successful at Webinars
Text: You can’t be successful at webinars unless you do this one thing! Read Webinar Authority and learn everything you need to know to start a successful webinar business.
Post 5:
Headline: This Book May Change Your Life
Text: You can run your own webinar and actually make money from it if you follow the simple instructions contained in the new eBook Webinar Authority.
Twitter Tweets
Tweet #1:
The only guide you need to start making money from webinars: {INSERT LINK}
Tweet #2:
Step-by-step instructions on how to develop your own webinar business starting today: {INSERT LINK}
Tweet #3:
Webinar Authority is my new book. If you have ever had a question about webinars, the answer is here. - {INSERT LINK}
Tweet #4:
Get the ball rolling with your webinar business by downloading this amazing guide to making money with webinars. {INSERT LINK}
Tweet #5:
This comprehensive webinar course takes you from the planning stages to the actual presentation. {INSERT LINK}
Forum Signatures
Signature #1:
Claim your guide on How to promote, manage, monetize and present your own webinar.
Signature #2:
Want to know how I can make $5000 per webinar? Get your copy of my latest eBook – Webinar Authority.
Signature #3:
You can start presenting your own webinars and making money from them with this guide.
Signature #4:
Are you worried about failing at presenting your webinar? Then get my new guide ‘Webinar Authority’
Signature #5:
Is your webinar not earning money or not earning as much as you think it should? You need this new eBook ‘Webinar Authority.’
Email Signatures
Signature #1:
P.S. - Get your very own guide to running a financially successful webinar!
Signature #2:
My latest book is Webinar Authority and it is custom made for those who have never hosted a webinar before and don’t know where to being.
Signature #3:
P.S. - Download your copy of my brand new eBook: Webinar Authority
Signature #4:
P.S. – You only need one thing to start making money from your webinars and be able to present the best material possible. It is my brand new guide to starting and developing a webinar business – Webinar Authority.
Download your copy today because every day that you aren’t using webinars to better your business is a day you lose money.
Signature #5:
P.S. – Want to make thousands of dollars per month using webinars, and grow your business at the same time? Download my new eBook called ‘ Webinar Authority’ The Step-By-Step Guide on How to Prepare, Present, Host and Execute a Successful Webinar.